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Iskusni advokat za lične ozljede u Atlanti

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    Nas Kolektiv


    Attorney Evan L. Kaine

    Founding Attorney

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    Attorney John David (“JD”) Holt


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    Attorney Justin Alperstein


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    Attorney Alice Hollaway


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    Kako vas možemo podržati?

    Svi iz Kaine Law - od naših visoko kvalificiranih pravnika do našeg posvećenog osoblja - spremni su vam poslužiti. Svjesni smo da auto nesreće mogu uzrokovati ozbiljne ozljede koje mogu utjecati na svaki aspekt vašeg života. Ako ste žrtva saobraćajne nesreće, želimo da budemo vaš glas.



    Kontaktirajete nas

    Kontaktirajte nas za legalnu pomoc u slucaju saobracajne nesrece: Ponekad ne mozete mnogo uciniti da sprijecite nesrecu ali mozete poduzeti legalne mjere nakon sudara.Kaine Law nastoji pruziti zrtvama nesrece iskusnu I pouzdanu pravnu pomoc. Nas cilj je pomoci vama I vasoj porodici u ostavarivanju najviseg iznosa naknade. Da bi ste razgovarali sa visoko kvalifikovanim advokatom , kontaktiraje nas na broj 404-662-2279 ili putem online formulara.

    Svi u Kaine Law firmi – od visoko kvalifikovanih pravnika pa do naseg posvecenih osoblja su spremni da budu vama na raspolaganju. Svjesni smo da saobracajne nesrece mogu uzrokovati ozbiljne povrede koje mogu utjecati na svaki aspect vaseg zivota. Ako ste zrtva saobracajne nesrece mi zelimo biti vas prestavnik.


    1441 Dunwoody Village

    Parkway Suite 100 Atlanta, Georgia 30338

    Phone: 404-214-2001

    Fax: 404-214-1774

    Español: 404-484-7363

    View Maps & Directions


    1436 Dogwood Dr. SE Conyers, Georgia 30013

    Phone: 855-452-9627

    Fax: 855-529-3292

    Español: 404-719-4178

    View Maps & Directions


    630 Collins Hill Road Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046

    Phone: 855-452-9627

    Fax: 855-529-3292

    Español: 404-719-4178

    Bosnian: 404-662-2279

    View Maps & Directions


    5600 North Henry Blvd. Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

    Phone: 855-452-9627

    Fax: 855-529-3292

    Español: 404-719-4178

    View Maps & Directions


    We had an unfortunate situation of a drunk driver smashing into our car that was parked on the street. The impact was so severe that our car was totaled but the insurance company based the value on Internet prices only and refused to pay dealer fees, which are added onto the internet pricing or anyone …

    R.S, Atlanta, GA

    I was involved in an auto-accident with a drunk driver and after several weeks of frustrating interactions with their insurance company, I decided to contact Evan Kaine. He was upfront and honest about how the process works and never made any promises or raised my expectations. Evan understood that my first priority was to take …

    M.T. Atlanta, GA

    Evan Kaine is a great attorney who kept me informed on all activity regarding my case. Always willing to go the extra mile to put me at ease. Very knowledgeable and thorough, always examining my case from every angle. I have recommended him to several friends and will continue to do so. Overall great legal …

    B.S. Roswell, GA

    My boyfriend Michael was hit by a drunk driver while he was driving my car. Even though I wasn’t involved in the accident, Evan made every effort to make the process of getting my new car painless for me. He worked with my insurance company, kept in touch with me personally, and made me aware …

    B.D. Atlanta, GA

    I was in a minor car accident and wasn’t sure that I even had a case. I met with Evan and he explained the law in terms I could understand. I immediately hired him and Evan turned my questionable case into more than $50,000.00! Evan is upfront, honest and expects the same from his clients …

    G.S., Smyrna, Georgia

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