The car industry has been flooded with news releases regarding the development of self-driving vehicles. Heavy hitters like Google and Tesla have already made their mark in this particular niche and other major car companies are following suit. However, with new developments, testing and product issues, many questions will arise that can weigh heavily on …
Increasing Number of Georgia Car Accident Deaths
The deadliest year for car accidents since 2007 is among us and the upward trend doesn’t seem to be slowing down. With the statistics already showing percentages beating 2014 and 2015, drivers need to be extra cautious this coming weekend. On Labor Day 2008, an estimated 438 people were killed during the three (3) day …
Drowsy Driving: Just as Dangerous as DUI
A new spotlight by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been issued regarding the dangers of drowsy driving. The NHTSA has expanded the definition of impaired driving by stressing the dangers of driving without proper rest. Historically, the emphasis has been on drunk driving, driving while under the influence of drugs or medication, …
Avoid a Drunk Driving Car Accident This July 4th
The celebration of the Fourth of July is a holiday many of us anticipate and enjoy for many reasons. Our main streets will be filled with a sea of red, white and blue. Parades will be held and the squeals from children will be heard as they lunge toward the candy being thrown from floats. …
Summer Driving Tips to Avoid a Car Accident & Other Injuries
Summertime means more fun, sun and traffic on the roads headed to vacation destinations! Families across the country will be traveling from June to the first weekend in September – also known as the 100 deadliest days. We want to ensure that you and your family are taking measures to protect yourselves in the coming …
Car Headlights Can Cause A Car Accident
Consumers looking for a new vehicle have a number of options. One person may be looking at a fuel efficient Toyota Prius, while another is looking at a luxury Mercedes Benz. The car industry provides thousands of extra gadgets to add onto a vehicle, but “standard” parts like tires, brakes, engines and lights shouldn’t be …
Stop for School Buses: Keep Your Money & Our Children Safe
Each morning a child steps on to a school bus. Each afternoon a child steps off of a school bus. And each time this routine occurs, there is someone in a vehicle illegally passing a school bus. According to a study done by the Gwinnett County Public Schools, in the first five (5) months of …
Causing an Accident While on a Cell Phone
While Georgia law does not yet require us to use a headset or hands-free device when talking on a cell phone while driving, the law does prohibit the use of cell phone based GPS devices while driving. Rewind ten or fifteen years ago. The “it” gadget to purchase was the TomTom or Garmin. These two …
Holiday Travel Safety: Car Accident Fatality Predictions Are Down
If you thought Thanksgiving travel was a bit crazy, wait until Christmas and New Year’s. For the first time ever, there is an estimated 100 million people expected to travel this holiday. This number triples the 38 million travelers who ventured out over Thanksgiving. According to a USA Today article and research done by the …
Car Accidents With Deer
The month of November is upon us! The spider-webs and costumes have been put away. The football games have become a bit more brisk. And many of us may be running more errands with family and friends coming into town for the Thanksgiving holiday. So while driving to family events, running errands around town or …
Halloween Safety: Too Many Children Are Killed
Avoid a Wrongful Death in Your Family! The spooky and clever décor dons the front entryway of our homes. The anticipation to have both the frightful and innocent hands reach into the sugar-infested dish can hardly be contained as Halloween approaches. For many of us the joys of Halloweens are not because of the candy, …
Petextrians: Texting While Walking
Whether you live in small town Georgia or in the big city, your right foot has slammed on the brake a time or two. The reasons are endless but one growing trend is that of petextrians. Yes, you heard that correctly, P-E-T-E-X-T-R-I-A-N-S. A petextrian is an individual who is texting and walking at the same …
Drunk Drivers on July 4th
Americans love celebrating the Fourth of July and for many it has become a staple in our family traditions. Therefore, while all the stars and stripes are going up on in our neighborhoods it is important to touch on how you and your family members can ensure a safe holiday. We have already touched on …
Move Over
We often take for granted the men and women who respond to those needing assistance on the side of the road. Whether it is a flat tire, a fender bender or a major accident, many of us pass by too quickly and ignore the signs of those helping someone in distress. Georgia is a participant …
What To Do After An Accident
The screech of tires dispenses the smell of burnt rubber. The horn blares and leaves a ringing in your ears. And your heart pounds as you hope everyone involved is okay. Many of us have endured a car accident; whether it is on the fault of others or ourselves. From the moment of impact, we …
Tractor Trailer Driver Fatigue
The drivers of I-285 endure some of the heaviest traffic congestion in the Atlanta area. The standstills have become unavoidable and the collisions have become more frequent—due in part to a massive amount of tractor trailers that travel this route. Every year, there are an estimated 200 fatal truck accidents and 5,000 non-fatal truck accidents …
Road Rage
How often have you found yourself behind the wheel, frustrated and yelling at another vehicle? Too many times to count, I am sure. Whether it is a faulty move, a lane change without a signal or a driver going 25 mph in a 50 mph zone, we have all endured our fair share of road …
School Bus Safety
The dog days of summer have ceased and the commotion of a new school year has begun. We are overwhelmed with supplies, heavy backpacks, fresh haircuts and smiles from children who cannot wait to catch up with friends and maybe learn a thing or two. As parents we feel a sense of relief that our …
Making A Claim With Your Own Insurance
Does the thought of calling your insurance company to report an auto accident fill you with dread? Are you convinced that, even if you are not at fault, your auto insurance premiums will skyrocket if you file a claim with your insurance company? Do you believe an alarm will sound when you file the claim …
Plain Talk Series: a Basic Explanation of Your Auto Insurance Policy – Property Damage
The “declaration page” of your insurance policy lists the different types of insurance coverages available under your particular insurance policy. In other words, the declaration page is a basic summary of the insurance coverages that you pay for as part of your insurance premium. An explanation (in plain English) of the different types of property …