Many terms have been used for our four-legged friend.
“A man’s best friend.”
“The friend who doesn’t judge.”
“Home is where the dog is.”
These sayings remain true for the majority of us, but not for those who have had bad experiences with dogs. Throughout the summer, we have seen a number of incidents involving dogs biting children and adults across Georgia. This has become an increasing problem throughout the United States and locally. The statistics are alarming; whether it is a minor injury or a fatality.
Dog bite injuries are a public concern. According to the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Approximately 4.7 million persons are bitten by dogs bites every year;
- Only about 17% of dog bites are reported;
- Almost 800,000 dog bites require medical attention every year; and
- Half of dog bites getting medical care were to children.
Medical Bills from Dog Bites
In cases of injury, the victims deal with outstanding medical bills and lifelong emotional trauma. On average, a victim who has endured a dog bite will owe more than $18,000 in medical expenses. Additionally, a study also found that there were 4 times as many dog bite-related emergency room visits and 3 times as many hospital stays in rural areas than in urban areas.
Tips to Avoid Dog Attacks
Therefore, before you head to the dog park or take a leisurely walk, it’s important to remember some “dog etiquette:”
- Know your dog’s temperament;
- Fix First: don’t take your dog to the park if they’re not spayed or neutered. Neutering male dogs cuts down on aggression;
- Keep the puppies at home;
- Don’t bring food; and
- Insist on good behavior: if you notice aggressive behavior, leave immediately.
For a free legal consultation, call 404-214-2001
Please be mindful as a dog owner and someone who is around other dogs. Always be cautious and aware for your own safety and the safety of others. If you have been injured due to a dog bite, please do not hesitate to contact Kaine Law immediately.
Call or text 404-214-2001 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form