The moment you get behind the wheel you lose a sense of control. You don’t know if someone will run a red light. You don’t know if a check engine light will appear. You don’t know if there will be a traffic jam on I-285 (well, most likely there will be). The variables are endless when driving, so why is it that drivers only add to these dangers by calling, texting, taking a selfie, posting a video or speeding?
Drunk Driving Car Accident (DUI)
We can’t necessarily answer these questions, but a new study done by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety broke down the numbers as to why so many are injured or dying behind the wheel. Their annual Traffic Safety Culture Index shows that 88% of drivers are believed to be distracted and this number only rising. The top 3 most risky behaviors include:
- Aggressive driving (road rage)
- Drivers using drugs (DUI – drugs)
- Drunk drivers (DUI – alcohol)
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Unfortunately, this doesn’t compare to the alarming statistics the index found regarding calling, texting or emailing. According to the study, drivers who habitually talk on their cell phone behind the wheel has jumped 46% since 2013. Fast forward to 2017, nearly 50% of all drivers report talking on a cell phone and 35% admit to sending a text or email while driving.
Distracted by the numbers yet?!
Texting and Driving Causes Accidents
These drivers (58% and those not accounted for) admit that talking on a cellphone is a threat to their safety and to those in the vehicle as well. Even more frightening is that 78% of them knowingly believe that texting and driving is incredibly dangerous, but continues to do so. Lastly, the AAA foundation found that drivers talking on their cellphone were 4x more likely to crash while those who text and drive are 8x more likely to be involved in a car accident.
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With the month of April being dedicated to National Distracted Driving, we want to reinforce the dangers of these behaviors. We have represented countless victims who have been injured due to distracted driving and their road to recovery has been anything but easy. At Kaine Law, we are determined to hold negligent drivers accountable to injured victims. We aim to seek compensation for our clients so they can move forward and recover, both physically and financially, from an auto accident. Please contact our office today for a free consultation.
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