Dog bites can lead to serious, long-term injuries and medical conditions. In certain circumstances, dog attacks have been known to be fatal. If you were bitten by a dog, you have the right to see financial compensation from the animal’s owner. The Lawrenceville dog bite attorneys with our law firm can help. Pursuing a lawsuit …

There is no average settlement for a dog bite accident since each case is its own unique event and will have its own specific types and amounts of potential compensation. In addition, recovering damages after a dog bite can be a complex legal undertaking. You could be entitled to economic, non-economic, and wrongful death damages, …

Georgia does not have a one bite rule. A one bite rule states that if a dog has bitten one person one time, then the owner knows that the dog may bite again and is legally responsible for any subsequent bites. While Georgia does not have a one bite rule, it does have laws requiring …