There is no average settlement for a dog bite accident since each case is its own unique event and will have its own specific types and amounts of potential compensation. In addition, recovering damages after a dog bite can be a complex legal undertaking. You could be entitled to economic, non-economic, and wrongful death damages, …
Does Georgia Have the One Bite Rule?
Georgia does not have a one bite rule. A one bite rule states that if a dog has bitten one person one time, then the owner knows that the dog may bite again and is legally responsible for any subsequent bites. While Georgia does not have a one bite rule, it does have laws requiring …
Atlanta Dog Bite Attorney
A dog attack can be a painful, terrifying experience. Depending on the animal’s breed, its jaw may be capable of tearing through skin and muscles and breaking bones. Recovering from your injuries may seem like an emotionally taxing and physically draining experience. However, the financial recovery process does not have to be. With more than …