Like any law related topic, there are a number of factors that can alter the filing of a lawsuit and its outcome. This is no different for a workers’ compensation claim. In fact, many injured employees believe that workers’ comp cases are cut and dry – the employer should pay if an employee has been …
Injured at Work
For the vast majority of Americans the thought of being injured on the job isn’t a concern or even a thought. However, the number of injuries/fatalities at the workplace has reached an all-time high in recent years and many are left wondering why? According to the United States Department of Labor (USDOL), 2015 was a …
Social Media Privacy & Safety: Laws to Protect You at Work
Our everyday lives are surrounded by updates from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and thousands of other social media sites. We have become habitual users of several different platforms that take us away from real human interaction. Some individuals choose to interact with these platforms because it is easier or because he/she is not being accepted …
Injured on the Job? Know Your Rights!
Day in and day out we find ourselves hitting the alarm clock with annoyance as we want to avoid the inevitable work week. Whether it is the case of the Mondays or encountering a mid-week exhaustion point, we know that in order to make ends meet we have to go to work. However, an even …
Falling in the Workplace
Five o’clock has finally hit and you grab your keys to brave the commute home. On your way out the door you suddenly and unexpectedly fall to the ground. You may have picked yourself up immediately, (more embarrassed than anything) or you endured a serious injury. Every year there are thousands of people who sustain …
What are Some Problems Workers Have with Receiving Workers Comp Benefits?
When you suffer injury on the job, receiving workers compensation benefits to cover your medical costs and lost wages should be a simple matter. Often, unfortunately, this is not the case. Workers comp attorneys can help you overcome the challenges involved with receiving workers comp benefits while recovering from injury. According to the Georgia Department …