If another person’s or entity’s negligence injured you or a loved one, you could be entitled to compensation. However, obtaining it can be a complex legal process. While you are not required to have an Atlanta personal injury lawyer to seek compensation, hiring one can benefit your claim in myriad ways. The attorney you choose can make a huge difference in your claim or lawsuit.
Personal injury law firms typically offer free initial consultations, allowing you to learn about the law firm and the lawyer you are considering. A free consultation can also help you avoid making the following mistakes when hiring a personal injury lawyer to help you build your case and pursue damages from the at-fault party.
1. Hiring a Lawyer Who Does Not Regularly Handle Personal Injury Cases
Familiarity with personal injury law means your lawyer can help you effectively navigate the legalities of your case, including meeting all legal parameters. The personal injury attorney you choose should have extensive experience with:
- Personal injury cases
- Wrongful death laws
- Related insurance laws
- Statutes of limitations
Lawyers who regularly handle personal injury cases also know how to speak to insurance adjusters, how to guide you through depositions, and how to leverage the discovery process. They will also know how to negotiate for a favorable outcome for you.
For a free legal consultation, call 404-214-2001
2. Hiring a Lawyer Who Does Not Have Personal Injury Trial Experience
Most personal injury cases do not go to trial. However, your lawyer should be willing and able to represent you in court effectively, if needed. Trial experience means your attorney can help you:
- Avoid a lower settlement offer than you are entitled to receive
- Keep fighting for the financial compensation you need and deserve
- Persuasively argue your case before a finder of facts (judge or jury)
To avoid this common mistake, you can ask a potential attorney about their investigative team, trial experience, and related case results.
3. Hiring a Lawyer Who Is Not Transparent About Legal and Attorney’s Fees
Most, but not all, personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they will cover all the upfront costs associated with preparing and filing your insurance claim or lawsuit. In lieu of hourly fees or retainers, they will receive a percentage of your financial award as compensation.
Your lawyer should be transparent about:
- The percentage of your settlement or verdict they will retain
- Any additional fees they will deduct from your settlement
While this can be beneficial by allowing you to get started immediately and with no out-of-pocket costs, contingency fees can vary greatly. Learning about all the details of the fee structure can help you make an informative decision.
Click to contact our personal injury lawyers today
4. Hiring a Lawyer Who Does Not Communicate Regularly and Well
It can be a mistake to choose a personal injury lawyer who does not communicate well with you by providing regular updates and progress reports. They should be informative, enlightening, and timely.
Personal injury claims can sometimes last for weeks, months, or years, depending on their complexities. Waiting for news, updates, and progress reports can be frustrating. It can be equally frustrating to have to constantly call for updates or deal with an unresponsive legal team.
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5. Hiring a Lawyer Without Knowing Their Credentials, Reputation, and Case Results
One of the best ways to learn about a specific law firm and its attorneys and team members is by hearing about them from their previous clients. It could be a mistake to hire a personal injury lawyer based solely on a flashy commercial rather than by:
- Asking friends and family members for referrals
- Browsing their online presence and client reviews
- Learning about their track record and reputation in the legal industry
Examples of their verdicts and case results can indicate how hard a law firm fights for financial justice for its injured clients.
6. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer at the Last Minute
Personal injury lawsuits are time-sensitive, and hiring a lawyer at the last minute could make filing your lawsuit on time impossible. In Georgia, you generally have:
- Two years to comply with the personal injury statute of limitations (O.C.G.A § 9-3-33)
- Six months to file a claim against a government agency (O.C.G.A. § 36-33-5)
The sooner you get a lawyer involved in your case, the more time they have to meet the required notification and filing deadlines.
7. Hiring a Lawyer Who Does Not Offer a Free Personal Injury Consultation
A consultation gives a law firm and its team members the opportunity to learn about your accident and resulting injuries. They can understand how you were hurt and whether you have a valid claim.
It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about your case, the law firm, and the specific attorney you will work with. You should ask about fees, communication, and the potential timeline of your case. You can also ask about the attorney’s experience, client satisfaction rate, record of success, communication style, and overall reputation.
8. Choosing Not to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
You may be tempted to deal with the aftermath of your accident and resulting injuries on your own. However, not hiring a lawyer to protect your rights can be risky. Consider the benefits and importance of hiring a personal injury attorney before taking on a huge insurance company on your own.
An experienced attorney can:
- Accurately assess your damages
- Investigate the merits of your claim
- Protect you from bad faith insurance practices
- Avoid a speedy but flawed settlement
Hiring a lawyer also means you will have peace of mind throughout the legal process and assurance that your case complies with all relevant laws.
Learn More About Hiring Our Client-Focused Personal Injury Law Firm
If you or a loved one was injured or a loved one was fatally injured in a negligence-based accident, our personal injury lawyers can help you build a strong case for financial compensation.
During a free consultation, you can ask as many questions as you like to help you avoid any costly mistakes when hiring a personal injury lawyer. Contact our consultation team at Kaine Law today for your free case review.
Call or text 404-214-2001 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form