At Kaine Law, we specialize in personal injury cases which can be complex and detailed. If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, the last thing you want to worry about is the legal side. Our law firm is dedicated to minimizing our clients’ stress and maximizing their recovery. Unfortunately, many personal injury victims …
Georgia Dog Bite Law
Man’s best friend tends to be the cute, cuddly, slobbery and obedient. A wag of a tail can pull at the heartstrings and give in to another treat. However, many dog owners neglect to think their dog can be anything but cute and cuddly. Unfortunately, being oblivious to what a dog is capable of can …
Hard Facts About Car Accident Injuries
It should be no surprise that personal injury lawsuits make up a majority of civil litigation in the United States. On a daily basis, we are overwhelmed by some law firm advertising for personal injury cases and using tag lines about injured victims getting paid for their car accident injuries, workplace accidents, medical malpractice claims…the …
Injuries from ATV Accidents
The stunning backroads and rural dirt roads of Georgia are irresistible for so many to ride an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). For young people, an ATV can sometimes be their first set of wheels and deliver them the sense of freedom that every youth desires. However, for parents it can certainly be a test of trust …
Holiday Toy Safety
The holidays can be overwhelming with all of the biggest sales of the year, wish lists and must-haves; for both young and old. However, many of the shopping will be centered on bringing joy and excitement to our children as they open their gifts on Christmas morning. Unfortunately, many of the gifts purchased are done …
Halloween Safety Tips for Drivers and Pedestrians
Get ready to turn your house into a candy store as hundreds of children are about to infiltrate your neighborhood. But the kids aren’t the only ones wanting to have a little fun on Halloween; the adults do too. Halloween isn’t just chalked full of candy, bobbing for apples or dressing up, it can also …
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Believe it or not, but the odds of you knowing someone who has been injured or killed from a motorcycle accident is exceptionally high. Why? Because according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), there are over 4,000 motorcycle fatalities each year and over 88,000 thousand motorcycle riders / passengers were injured in 2015. Unfortunately, …
Motorcycle Tips for Cars and Truckers
Contrary to what many people believe, motorcyclists have just as much right to be on the road than any other vehicle. Unfortunately, car and truck drivers don’t always see eye to eye with motorcyclists. Whether it is a territorial feeling or having a larger vehicle that makes a driver feel superior, the safety of a …
The Pre-Ride Motorcycle Checklist
Many of us are feeling the spring itch and there is nothing better than warm beautiful weather. For motorcycle riders in particular, “spring fever” is highly anticipated because they can finally take their bike out to play. However, even for seasoned riders, it’s important to do a pre-ride checklist before cruising down the open roads …
The Dangers of Holiday Toys
Whether you are a parent, grandparent or loved one, odds are you will be purchasing a toy this holiday for a little boy or girl. The joy and happiness a child expresses when opening a present is priceless and this should be an image forever ingrained in our hearts. However, many gift givers don’t realize …
Prevent Child Drownings
You looked away for a second. Maybe you went around the corner to grab a towel from the linen closet. Or maybe you forgot to turn the stove off after dinner and went to the kitchen for no more than a minute. For most families, the bath time ritual is a nightly occurrence. It signals …
Football Injuries and Wrongful Death among Children
Our children thrive on socializing, staying active and having fun. When you combine all three it can create pure joy not only for them, but also for us as parents. One example in obtaining all three is to have your child join an extra-curricular activity. The most popular extracurricular activity for boys, especially in the …
House Fire Safety to Prevent Burns, Injury and Death
A recent tragedy took the lives of three young children in Minnesota. While the story is heart-wrenching, the lesson from this misfortune should be discussed in our homes so it doesn’t happen again. On Sunday, October 4, 2015, three children under the age of 7 were caught in a house fire due to an oven …
Hurricane Safety
Living in the south has its perks. The mild temperatures allow front porch solace and sweet tea sipping for the majority of the year. However, when dangerous weather does hit the south, the safety of family, friends and neighbors should be the upmost importance. We have entered hurricane season and we are already feeling remnants …
Petextrians: Texting While Walking
Whether you live in small town Georgia or in the big city, your right foot has slammed on the brake a time or two. The reasons are endless but one growing trend is that of petextrians. Yes, you heard that correctly, P-E-T-E-X-T-R-I-A-N-S. A petextrian is an individual who is texting and walking at the same …
Fireworks Safety
A star spangled spectacular is headed our way in a week and like many Americans, we are looking forward to the early morning parade, backyard barbecue and laughter among friends and family. While these traditions are popular, one we must discuss is that of fireworks. The Fourth of July is always a busy time and …
Grill Fires and Safety
The sweet smells of summer are here and many of us are already enjoying more outdoor activities. One of those activities involves the grill and whole lot of southern comfort foods. The aromas of a newly lighted grill and fresh hamburgers, hot dogs and ribs bring us back to the good ol’ days of our …
Kitchen Safety
We are mere hours away from a day dedicated to family and food (and football)! Many of us awake early and reside in the kitchen the entire day as we want to make a Thanksgiving feast a delight for all to share. Therefore, it is important to mention some safety tips so your dinner preparation …
School Bus Safety
The dog days of summer have ceased and the commotion of a new school year has begun. We are overwhelmed with supplies, heavy backpacks, fresh haircuts and smiles from children who cannot wait to catch up with friends and maybe learn a thing or two. As parents we feel a sense of relief that our …
Motorcycle Passenger Law
With temperatures purportedly reaching the upper-70s this week, it seemed like the perfect time to pick up where we left off in our last discussion about motorcycles. As promised, we’re back to discuss Georgia’s laws regarding passengers on motorcycles. The governing statute for motorcycle passengers is O.C.G.A. § 40-6-311(a), which states: A person operating a …