Dog bites can lead to serious, long-term injuries and medical conditions. In certain circumstances, dog attacks have been known to be fatal.
If you were bitten by a dog, you have the right to see financial compensation from the animal’s owner. Pursuing a lawsuit against the dog owner takes a thorough understanding of the law. Our Lawrenceville personal injury lawyer can explain your rights and help build your case. Call Kaine Law today for a free case review of your dog bite injury claim.
You Could Hold the Owner Accountable for a Dog Bite Injury
Ultimately, Georgia dog bite laws determine when the owner of an aggressive animal is financially responsible for the harm they cause. Unlike many other states, Georgia law does not hold dog owners strictly liable for the injuries their animals’ cause.
In order to recover financial compensation following a dog bite, you must show that the owner’s negligent care led to the dog attacking you. While this standard is higher compared to strict liability, our firm is prepared to help you pursue the damages you deserve.
For your dog bite injury lawsuit to be successful, you must show that the animal that attacked you was a vicious or dangerous dog. You must also show that the owner carelessly managed the animal in a way that allowed the dog to bite you. Per O.C.G.A. § 51-2-7, the state law holds that it could be possible to make a case for negligence if the dog was off of its leash in violation of city or county ordinances.
There are also defenses the owner of the dog could rely on. You can only pursue a lawsuit against the dog owner if the attack occurred in a place where you had the right to be. If you were trespassing, the owner is protected from any dog bite-related lawsuit. It is also a defense if the bite victim was abusing the dog prior to the attack.
For a free legal consultation with a dog bite lawyer serving Lawrenceville, call 404-214-2001
Dog Bite Injuries Could Lead to Various Types of Compensation
There are different examples of financial compensation that might be available following a dog bite. Since no two cases are exactly alike, there is no average settlement value. These injuries have the potential to cause serious injuries, and the ramifications of those injuries could stretch on to other aspects of your life.
Medical Bills
High medical bills often come with a serious dog bite injury. The cost of these bills can be hard to gauge at first, especially if you require ongoing medical care. A dog bite claim could provide you with the opportunity to pay for medical expenses like surgical procedures, physical therapy, or hospital bills.
Scarring and disfigurement is a common consequence of a dog attack. Dog bites are known for leaving permanent scars at the bite location. What’s more, these bites most often happen on visible areas of the body like the hands or the face. A monetary award could be available to compensate you for scarring and disfigurement.
Lost Wages
For many people, a dog bite means going days, weeks, or even longer without the ability to work. This could dramatically reduce a dog bite victim’s income in the aftermath of an attack. If you were bitten by a dog and had to miss work as a result, you could seek compensation for lost wages.
Diminished Future Earnings
If your injury leads to long-term physical limitations, your future earning power could be diminished. When the injury you suffered from a dog bite requires you to take lower-paying employment that is compatible with your physical health, seeking compensation could help you make up the difference in wages.
Pain and Suffering
In addition to the physical injuries the dog bite caused, you may also experience emotional suffering. Your dog bite lawyer in Lawrenceville can help to calculate how much compensation you should receive for the non-tangible costs of a bite.
Wrongful Death Damages
In the most extreme of cases, people have lost their lives from dog attacks. If you have lost a family member, please accept our sincere condolences. We understand the turmoil and hardship your family is now facing. A wrongful death lawyer from our law firm can help you alleviate some of your financial hardships by pursuing compensation that covers your loved one’s medical bills, funeral and burial expenses, and the loss of consortium they would have provided you and the loss of support they would have provided your family.
Please call our office today. The legal team at Kaine Law can review your case during a free consultation. Our dog bite lawyers in Lawrenceville can explain the merits of your case and your next steps to obtaining the compensation your family deserves to move on.
Lawrenceville Dog Bite Lawyer Near Me 404-214-2001
You Could Pursue a Dog Bite Case Without Paying Anything Up Front
If the concern about financial commitment has left you unsure about pursuing a dog bite injury lawsuit, it is important to note you have options. Our firm handles dog bite cases on a contingency basis, which means you have the opportunity to pursue fair compensation without any upfront legal fees.
When you hire a personal injury attorney on a contingency fee basis, they perform the work in your case without any direct payment from you. Instead, an attorney will keep a portion of anything they recover in your case. This approach lets the attorney assume all of the risk.
Our goal is to see you get the means to recover physically, emotionally, and financially. We do not want to add any more strain on you. Once we decide to work together, your only concern is following through with your doctor’s prescribed healthcare treatments. Leave the rest of your personal injury claim to us.
Click to contact our Dog Bite lawyers today
Who Is at Risk for a Dog Bite?
While aggressive dogs could attack anyone, there are some people that are more at risk from a dog bite than others. In fact, many of the people that are at the highest risk of suffering a bite are also the most likely to face severe injuries afterward.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), small children are the most likely to suffer dog bite injuries. According to the CDC data, more than half of all dog bites involve children of an age between five and nine years old. These children are also the most likely to suffer severe or life-threatening injuries following a dog attack. Elderly individuals are also at an increased risk for a dog bite.
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You Could Recover Financial Compensation Following a Dog Bite
You should not have to deal with the difficult consequences of a dog attack on your own. If your dog bite resulted from the mishandling of the animal by the dog owner, you could be entitled to a monetary award. Our firm is ready to stand by your side as you pursue fair compensation for your injuries.
Let the team at Kaine Law fight for you. To learn more about how a Lawrenceville dog bite attorney might be able to help, call us for your free initial consultation. Contact us today.
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